Finding My Voice – Week 1 Part 2 My Storytelling Goals

Why do I want to tell my stories?

I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, but never really got round to it, for various reasons (time, commitment needed, I felt silly writing what was going on in my life as I viewed it as common).

When I started digital scrap booking a couple of years ago, I was focusing more on creating pretty pages and experimenting with techniques rather than actually telling a story. I followed challenges on a few digiscrap booking websites (and still do) as a way of learning and getting inspiration. On a lot of them, journaling was a requirement and, I have to say, I struggled like hell!! But little by little, I started to ask myself, why am I doing this? 99.9% of the pages I was doing were about my son James (sunshine of my life, my heart, my everything) and quickly came to realise that, without knowing, I was writing his story.

I want to remember him as he is now, as he was yesterday, and as he will be tomorrow. For me not to forget, as thinking about it, not recording the little things before, I don’t remember. I can’t remember when he first crawled, I can’t remember what his first word was, I can’t remember when his first tooth came out. I feel I’ve lost so much, I don’t want to miss what’s to come, and I also want him to remember, to help him grow.

In the same way, I want to remember who I am now, I want him to know, understand as he gets older, and hopefully learn and avoid the mistakes I made, so he can find peace and happiness in his life and in his heart.

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